Friday, July 15, 2011

Bianca Kristine

I will be backstage doing some coverage on the prep for this, thanks to MUA Cesar Rivera. Come through and say hi! (: 

"I wish I was a mermaid"

^Completely in love with her tattoo. "I wish I was a mermaid" OKAY. How can you deny the cuteness of that?! Ashlee did all of her own makeup for this shoot. Made my life easier.

^A bit of an 80's twist on my xoxo series. Probably one of my favorite shots of the year. Plus her wardrobe has some complete #swag. Yes I just trending topic-ed that.

^All natural lighting, for the first time in awhile.

^Huge paintball gun that I found in dad's closet, paired with a piece of sheet metal found in someone's trash? This is my high end, glamourous shoot! Ashlee is a complete doll, and I loved shooting with her! (:

^Oh okay, so we're doing a Snow White theme...

^Or are we doing a Garden of Eden look?

^Used my Apollo Softbox for this one. Except for some tweaks with the saturation, the coloring and lighting in this is straight from the camera. I love that thing!

^Kara is absolutely GORGEOUS! I give her 5 years until she's famous. Really. Then I can say I've shot a famous person. Oh cool! 

Wardrobe and Makeup Provided By:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What almost was an xoxo series..

Okay. This was SUPPOSED to be an 'xoxo' series shoot...BUT, the photo above is actually the only one that I placed in the series. Why? Because halfway through editing, I realized that I liked the photos the way they were! When this happens, I stop everything I'm doing and try to decide what direction I really want to go in. Therefore, I edited the remaining photos completely differently, and I still like them (: Anyway, I shot with Marianne this time! We went to high school together and it was fun looking back to how we used to talk about silly things all the time in freshman year. Time sure does fly. *sigh. 

^ I had the feeling of deja vu during this entire shoot! She looks so much like her sister, who I shot with last year and took one of my most favorite photos, this one:

Chris Barbosa, Club Faith Fighter.

At the end of the month I got to work with a group of amazing people at an amazing location! Chris Barbosa is a young fighter in Sacramento that needed some photos, and although I don't normally work with guys, but I knew that I could try to do something special with this look and couldn't turn it down. We shot at a penthouse apartment owned by Matthew Caravalho, who also happens to own a clothing company called Club Faith Fighter (featured in photo below). I highly recommend that you check the line out. It was a fun shoot, and my girlfriend even got to leave with a CFF jacket (; 

Back to Brittany!

So after shooting with Dolene and starting the 'xoxo' shoot concept, I got way too excited! So I got a hold of a model I worked with not to long ago to have her over for a shoot. Brittany Larson! She was crazy energetic as always (which is why I love working with her), and we got some excellent work in. I love the playfulness of this series! (:


Friday, May 27, 2011

Dolene, and xoxo!

So I don't know how long it's been since Dolene and I first attempted to try to schedule a shoot, but it's been AWHILE. Everything happens for a reason though, and I'm so happy that we ended up shooting this set!! I don't normally do studio work (in fact, I really hated it), but we decided to do a bit of a twist on the modern pin up look. The photos ended up turning out pretty cool, so I've decided to make an entire series of it! This is the look I will be shooting with the majority of my models for the next month or so. 

^ Don't tell anyone...but my favorite place to shoot is the side of my house. It has a bit of an edgy look, and I don't have to drive anywhere for it! (:

^ This was a fun shot to do! We were inspired by a photo I saw online one day, and although we didn't get quite the same look, it still came out nicely. Nez and I tore apart cheap party leis to add some color to the bright white (which I achieved with a sh*t load of bathtub scrubbing). The flowers ended up sinking, so we were scooping them about every 2 minutes. 

Roxanne, Part II

The past two weeks have been all about being BUSY! I definitely had the sudden urge to start shooting again, and THANKFULLY there were at least a few girls that were willing to get in front of the camera!   Of course, with all the shoots, I've definitely had absolutely no time to update this blog, but I am starting...Now. 

This particular shoot was with Roxanne, who I went to high school with and have shot with once before. It was actually my first time shooting the entire thing at night with external light sources, which isn't too special for other people, but a major thing for me! I love the way the photos turned out, and I know this is going to cause a major change of direction in my style. 

^ As many of you already know, my girlfriend assists me on at least 90% of my shoots. Most people love that we do this as a couple.. and some people get a little thrown off. Roxanne was obviously showing a little pride for us, as the statement on the photo is an exact quote. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The start of my retouching phase...

I recently decided that I wanted to change my style of shooting and editing COMPLETELY. I wanted to do something much more clean cut, with more vibrant colors and sharper lines. Of course, I couldn't do anything without first brushing up on some editing technique (it's about time). I have yet to perfect the craft,  but the whole thing is addicting, and I find myself going through my old shoots just so I can redo them. Here are a couple shots that I've tried out so far:

^ The photo above shot is one I took of Misha A. today. I love her, she's so funny! (: She hardly needed any editing, but you can see some minor tweaking to color and light. 

Definitely can't wait until I actually get good at this!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Holden & Lina

I feel like I've come full circle this year? Lately I've been shooting with a lot of the same great models I shot with when I first started doing this. (Note: if you're another model from my past shoots, I miss you! let's shoot again!) Anyway, Holden chopped all his glorious locks off and traded it for a suave short cut, therefore new photos were needed! We threw together a shoot date, some clothes for him and his girlfriend, and got out in the field. I always enjoy working with Holden and Lina, so today was a blast. I'm going to miss them when they move!